

Phone:+55 (19) 3447-6005 e 3447-8694
Other professors: Thais Maria Ferreira de Souza Vieira
Support staff: Juliana Antunes Galvão, Luis Felipe de Freitas Fabrício

Acting in the development of products and processes in the agri-food area in an integrated way, involving from the research stages with consumers to the implementation of systems of statistical quality control, in an interdisciplinary way, through the conduction of network projects.

André Ricardo Alcarde
Phone:+55 (19) 3447-8678
Other professors: none
Support staff: Pedro Dorival Lucentini, Rosemary Leonessa da Silva, Sylvino Luiz Torrezan

Conduct research applied to the sugarcane industry focusing on: fermentation, enhancement and development of biotechnological processes and sugar technology. The research is carried out by undergraduate and graduate students, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. André Ricardo Alcarde.

Thais Maria Ferreira de Souza Vieira
Phone:+55 (19) 3447-8688
Other professors: none
Support staff: Juliana Antunes Galvão, Luis Felipe de Freitas Fabrício

Train human resources in Fish Science and Technology; Develop projects aimed at technological innovation and quality for fish; Transmit knowledge acquired in academia to society and to the rural producer; Promote lectures and workshops on relevant topics related to traceability and sustainability; Participate in ongoing research involving physico-chemical, toxicological, microbiological, sensorial and water quality, fish and their co-products; Services to companies and / or communities and / or a


Phone:+55 (19) 3429-4118
Other professors: none
Support staff: none

Carry out activities to support undergraduate and postgraduate education, research and university extension in the area.

Daniele Fernanda Maffei
Phone:+55 (19) 3447-6006 - 3447-8690
Other professors: none
Support staff: Denise de Almeida Leme Baptista

Carry out and support teaching, research and extension activities in the area of Food Microbiology. Microbiological analyzes are carried out using conventional and molecular methods for research and enumeration of pathogenic microorganisms and contamination indicators, in order to determine the safety and microbiological quality of food. The Laboratory is also the headquarters of the Extension Group in Water and Food Microbiology (Gema²), which aims to contribute to the training of students and serve the community, through extension courses and provision of water and food microbiological analysis services.


Phone:+ 55 (19) 3447-6004 e 3447-8691
Other professors: none
Support staff: none

Support ongoing research on the conservation and processing of Fruits and Vegetables, and monitor them under physicochemical and sensory aspects.


Phone:+ 55 (19) 3447-6007, 3447-6009 e 3447-8689
Other professors: none
Support staff: none

Conduct and support research in the field of molecular biology in food: gene expression of different organisms, analysis of genomic and functional transcriptomics data, identification of species-specific by means of conventional PCR and qPCR techniques; and in the area of mycotoxins with the use, among others, of high performance liquid chromatography, thin layer chromatography, gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry, evaluation of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC).


The Comprehensive Center for Biochemistry and Instrumental Analysis was established in 2015.

Thais Maria Ferreira de Souza Vieira
Phone:+55 (19) 3447-6011 e 3447-8693
Other professors: Severino Matias de Alencar
Support staff: Adna Prado Massarioli

Conduct research on oil and grease technology, grains and derivatives. Oxidative stability of oils and lipid foods. Natural antioxidants. Productive chain of the chestnut of Pará. Processes of extraction of oil with ethanol. Quality of soybean meal and chestnut pie from Pará. Production of biodiesel from different raw materials.
Support ongoing research on oil, grease and biodiesel technology.


Phone:+55 (19) 3447-6001
Other professors: none
Support staff: Carlota Boralli Prudente dos Anjos

Research in the field of science and technology of starch and starch raw materials.

Carmen Josefina Contreras Castillo
Phone:+55 (19) 3447-6003 e 3447-8685
Other professors: none
Support staff: none

Conduct research in the area of meat and meat products - Development of research on systems of conservation of fresh meat under the use of modified atmosphere and vacuum systems - To enable undergraduate and postgraduate students to develop scientific and technological research.

Antonio Sampaio Baptista
Phone:+55 (19) 3447-8679 - 3447-8681
Other professors: none
Support staff: Pedro Dorival Lucentini, Rosemary Leonessa da Silva, Sylvino Luiz Torrezan

To carry out with excellence the technical and scientific procedures, studies and consultations with a theoretical deepening in the academic community of undergraduate and graduate students, within the scope of science and technologies and engineering of the sugar and sucrochemical production chain.

André Ricardo Alcarde
Phone:+55 (19) 3447-8677 e 3447-8684
Other professors: none
Support staff: Rosemary Leonessa da Silva, Sylvino Luiz Torrezan

Conduct research, generate knowledge and disseminate scientific and technical information on beverage quality. The Laboratory of Technology and Quality of Drinks studies and researches tools to guarantee and control the quality of beverages, mainly brandy and beer.